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What is XAI

What is XAI?

Xai was developed to enable real economies and open trade in the next generation of video games. With Xai, potentially billions of traditional gamers can own and trade valuable in-game items in their favorite games for the first time, without the need to use crypto-wallets. Anyone can support the Xai network by operating a node which allows them to receive network rewards and participate in governance. Xai is developed by Offchain Labs leveraging Arbitrum technology.

XAI Blockchain?

The Xai Blockchain, developed by Offchain Labs and overseen by the Xai Foundation, was custom-developed to address the needs of web3 gaming at scale. Tailored specifically for gaming, this blockchain offers traditional gamers an abstracted wallet and account experience, provides developers with increased gas and contract limits, and establishes a fully decentralized ecosystem that fosters trust and transparency for all participants. By leveraging Ethereum's robust security measures, the Xai Blockchain cements its resilience against potential hacks and other vulnerabilities.

Xai Foundation

The primary objective of the XAI Foundation is to foster the growth of developers and games within the XAI blockchain ecosystem. Its core functions include attracting 3rd party developers and games to the platform, facilitating effective marketing strategies for games deployed to Xai, and offering financing opportunities to web3 game developers. Additionally, the Xai Foundation assumes the pivotal role of serving as the custodian of the blockchain and its associated token, supporting integrity of the platform.

XAI Token

The Xai token will serve a dual purpose on the Xai blockchain. Firstly, it will function as the designated gas token, facilitating transactions within the network. Additionally, Xai tokens will be rewarded to validator nodes for their role in validating transactions. Moreover, the Xai token will act as the primary token within the gaming ecosystem, being accepted as payment for games and in-game items.

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Xai was developed to enable real economies and open trade in the next generation of video games. With Xai, potentially billions of traditional gamers can own and trade valuable in-game items in their favorite games for the first time, without the need to use crypto-wallets. Anyone can support the Xai network by operating a node which allows them to receive network rewards and participate in governance. Xai is developed by Offchain Labs leveraging Arbitrum technology.